New: Igloo accommodation

Indulge yourself in luxurious igloos where modern comfort meets the beauty of the wild nature. Contact us and book your unforgettable stay.


Welcome to the White Deer Kingdom. White Deer Kingdom is one of those you must experience while visiting in Lapland. We provide lots of information of reindeers and reindeer herding straight from lord of the kingdom, Seppo. You are also able to enjoy of memorable reindeer safaris and lots of other exciting activities.

White Deer Kingdom locates in most beautiful landscape in Lapland, Posio. Picturesque landscape, cleanest air in the world and unbreakable silence takes you in to the world that you already thought was lost. Best way to enjoy these unbelievable landscapes is to take reindeer safari.

White Deer Kingdom provides lots of fun activities for your visit. We have frozen water floating, guided hunting trips and winter fishing. We also provide conference services and evening party opportunity. You can also find unique handcrafted products and reindeer meat products from our selection. Learn more and step into our Kingdom!


We offer you various services tailored to your needs, from delicious meals to experience packages.


White Deer Kingdom offers you all kinds of experiences, see photos from our adventures!


Contact us, ask for quotations or additional information. We are happy to help!

Joulukuu on jo nurkalla ja tuntuuko siltä että jouluruokien tekoon menee liikaa aikaa kun olisi muutakin tekemistä? Meillä on sinulle ratkaisu:



Juustoinen salaatti
Kinkku sekä kastike
Lanttu- ja porkkanalaatikko
Piparinen juustokakkupala

Hinta: 25€/henkilö

Viimeinen tilauspäivä on 18.12.2021.

Tilaukset numerosta 040 770 0836 tai Facebook-sivuiltamme.

Toimitamme tilaukset Posion S-marketin parkkipaikalle 23.12.2021 klo 12:00.
Kortti- tai käteismaksu.