
Visit to the Kingdom

Get familiar whit reindeer herding and reindeers. Master of the kingdom will provide widely information of reindeers and reindeer herding while you take authentic pictures of the reindeers. They will pose for camera gladly – especially when they are having their favourite food, lichen.

Family visits (incl. 2 adults, 1-2 children) 70€

Bigger groups 170€

Reindeer safari

Best way to enjoy of your visit is to take reindeer safari. You can choose just right length safari for you; our reindeers are happy to take you for a ride. You can spend even a whole day on a safari or just an hour.

  • 2 km, 70,00€/person, incl. ride, feeding the reindeer and a cabin coffee and traditional Lapland pastry
    • Children 4–11 yrs. -50%, incl. cocoa or warm juice and pastry
  • 400 m, 40,00€/person, incl. same as above
    • Children 4–11 yrs. -50%, incl. same as above


We have custom made adventures for groups, big or small, doesn’t matter. Crossing rapids in Korouoma, have a hunting trip or do some ice fishing, you will get lifetime memories on our adventures, that is guaranteed.

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Dry Floating

One traditional thing in finland is to dip in frozen water. We have safer option, if that does not sound appealing, dry floating! now you can dip in a frozen water without getting cold. special suits will keep you warm and keep you on the surface of the water. This is a one of a kind experience that you don’t want to pass.

Price from 200€

Smoke Sauna

Smoke Sauna is one of those traditional Finnish things. Smoke sauna is heated up with smoke and before you enter, smoke is faded away. After heating up, there is warm sauna with great authentic smoke scent left and you can enjoy of the warmth and the atmosphere.

Price: 270€/evening (includes towels)

Wilderness tours

We take safely into nature where you can enjoy of most beautiful landscape and cleanest air. We can arrange wilderness tours for every group size.

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You can rent canoe and rowboats from us.

Canoe price: 30€/day

Rowboat price: 40€/day

Catering and Hut Dinner

We can arrange catering up to 150 people in our property in summer and in winter we can arrange catering for 70 people in our hut. We are also able to arrange catering in chosen address by customer. We prepare traditional Lapland foods for every taste.

We are also able to arrange evening parties in our hut. We can arrange catering and we do have audio system and karaoke equipment.

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See delicious reindeer recipes here (Finnish):

Joulukuu on jo nurkalla ja tuntuuko siltä että jouluruokien tekoon menee liikaa aikaa kun olisi muutakin tekemistä? Meillä on sinulle ratkaisu:



Juustoinen salaatti
Kinkku sekä kastike
Lanttu- ja porkkanalaatikko
Piparinen juustokakkupala

Hinta: 25€/henkilö

Viimeinen tilauspäivä on 18.12.2021.

Tilaukset numerosta 040 770 0836 tai Facebook-sivuiltamme.

Toimitamme tilaukset Posion S-marketin parkkipaikalle 23.12.2021 klo 12:00.
Kortti- tai käteismaksu.